Thalliki Vandanam Scheme 2025: Check Eligibility and Application Process

“Talliki Vandanam” scheme launched by the Government of Andhra Pradesh is a welfare scheme that aims to promote education in the state and provide financial assistance to the students. Under this scheme, financial assistance will be given to the selected students by the state government. So that they can fulfill their educational needs. With the help of this scheme, students can continue their education without worrying about financial troubles. If you are a student studying in class 1st to 12th in Andhra Pradesh state and you are not able to pay your fees regularly. Those students are eligible to avail the benefits of the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme. Applicants can fill the application form by visiting its official website to get financial assistance under this scheme.

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Thalliki Vandanam Scheme
Thalliki Vandanam Scheme

About Thalliki Vandanam Scheme 2025

The Thalliki Vandanam Scheme has been launched by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to provide financial assistance to the students of the state. Under this scheme, the government will deposit ₹15,000 per year in the bank account of each student’s mother, so that the educational needs of the children can be met. This assistance amount will be deposited directly into the bank accounts of the mothers so that transparency is maintained and the money is properly utilized. The benefit of this scheme will be given to the students studying in classes 1st to 12th in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The main goal of this scheme is to reduce the school dropout rate of students, remove barriers to education due to poverty, and improve the literacy rate in the state.

The Objective of the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme

The main objective of the Thalliki Vandanam scheme is to encourage the education of students from economically weaker families. Under this scheme, mothers or guardians belonging to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) are provided financial assistance to continue the education of their children, provided their child’s school attendance is 75% or more. Its main goal is to ensure that no child is deprived of education due to financial constraints. This scheme will be helpful in increasing awareness towards education and empowering women.

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Key Highlights of the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme 2025

Name of the schemeThalliki Vandanam Scheme
Launched byAndhra Pradesh state government
BeneficiariesStudents of the state
ObjectiveProvide financial assistance
BenefitsINR 15000
StateAndhra Pradesh
Mode of ApplyOnline
Official Website

Eligibility Criteria

  • To apply, the applicant must be a permanent resident of Andhra Pradesh state.
  • Financially unstable citizens will be considered eligible for this scheme.
  • The attendance of the applicant should be at least 75%.
  • The beneficiary’s bank account should be linked to an Aadhaar card.

Financial Assistance

  • Under the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme 2025, financial assistance of Rs 15000 will be transferred directly to their bank accounts through DBT to the selected applicants.

Required Documents

  • Aadhaar Card
  • PAN Card
  • Ration Card
  • Voter Identity Card
  • MGNREGA card
  • Driving License
  • Bank or Post Office Passbook with Photo

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Benefits of the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme

  • Selected students will be provided financial assistance of ₹15,000, which will be directly transferred to their bank account.
  • This assistance helps students reduce the financial constraints they face during their studies, allowing them to continue their education without interruption.
  • Through financial aid, school attendance of students increases, which will reduce the dropout rate.
  • This scheme will reduce the burden of education-related expenses on families, which will improve their financial condition.
  • Financial assistance will help students pursue higher education, which will enable them to advance in their careers.

Selection Process

  • Applicants will be selected based on approval of their eligibility criteria.
  • Only those applicants who are from economically unstable backgrounds will be selected for the scheme.
  • To be selected under this scheme, applicants must be studying from class 1 to 12.
  • If the applicant does not have 75% attendance then he will not be selected for the scheme.

Steps to Apply Online for Thalliki Vandanam Scheme 2025

1st Step:- First of all, go to the official website of the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme,

2nd Step:- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the apply online option.

3nd Step:- The application form will open on your screen.

4rd Step:- All the information asked in the application form is to be entered carefully.

5th Step:- After that, upload the necessary documents.

6th Step:- Finally, click on the submit button to complete the application process

Do Thalliki Vandanam Scheme Primary GO 29

  • To download Thalliki Vandanam Yojana Primary GO 29, applicants have to visit its official website.
  • Once the applicant reaches the homepage of the official website the applicant has to click on the Download GO 29 option.
  • Google Drive will appear on your desktop screen, the applicant has to click on the download icon to complete their process.


How much financial assistance will be given to the selected students under the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme?

Selected students will be given financial assistance of ₹15,000 directly transferred to their bank accounts.

What is the objective of this scheme?

The objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to students from economically weaker families so that they can continue their education without any financial hindrance.

In which state has the Thalliki Vandanam Scheme been started?

Thalliki Vandanam Yojana has been started in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

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